It all starts with us.

What We Do

Learn about our journey to transform challenges into opportunities, ensuring a resilient Zambezi for all.

A look at our initiatives, from tree planting to eco-friendly tourism, preserving Zambezi's natural heritage.

Awareness and Promotions

We aim to enhance public awareness about the importance of ecosystem restoration and biodiversity management in protecting the Zambezi Source Headwaters.

Year 2022:

  • We established a Nursery in Ikelengi Districts 
  • We launched the Project in Lusaka in collaboration with Ministry of Green Economy and Environment (MGEE) 
  • We had a Landmark Event to mark the start of the project on World Rivers Day in Ikelengi District 

Year 2023:

  • We created and executed the Tickets for Trees Campaign during the stanbic Music festival  and raised 10,000 trees.
  • Community Engagement.
  • Tree planting activity.

Engagement and Collaboration

We provide a platform for various stakeholders to come together and collaborate on short, medium, and long-term sustainability measures for ecosystem management in the Zambezi Headwaters.

  • School Activities with Ministry of Education
  • Youth Training and Capacity Building
  • Faith Based Organizations Activation

Plant Seedling Nursery

We are establishing a plant nursery that focuses on prioritized indigenous species in the Zambezi Headwaters. This ensures the preservation and availability of these species for future ecosystem restoration efforts.

  • Infrastructure 
  • Seedlings nursery
  • Nurturing Plants 
  • Flora and Fauna 
  • Fruit Trees 
  • Nurturing Plants 

Tourism Development and Livelihood Support

We identify and implement ecosystem enhancement measures that contribute to tourism development and support local livelihoods in the area.

  • Tourism Development: Ikelenge district is located in the Zambezi Source Headwaters region, and possesses significant tourism potential due to its unique ecological features, biodiversity, and cultural heritage. The project is promoting the tourism significance of the landscape.
  • Livelihood Support: The project is offering training programs or workshops on sustainable land management practices, conservation techniques, and ecotourism to equip locals with skills for potential employment in conservation-related sectors.

Journey through our efforts to counter deforestation and protect Africa's fourth-longest river.